Monday 20 August is the day for CAO offers. Here are some answers to the most common questions.
I didn’t get any offer what can I do?
Check “Available” Courses on the CAO website. www.cao.ie. Make sure you have necessary entry requirements. Review the modules, ensure you are happy with the modules and this course relates to your future career choices. Amend your CAO to show course of interest.
If you are prepared to study in the UK; Check “Clearings” with UCAS website for available courses at www.ucas.com. Check entry requirements. Review the modules, ensure you are happy with the modules and this course relates to your future career choices. Contact College directly for next steps in process.
Consider alternative routes including PLC -contact local Colleges of Further Education including Enniscorthy Vocational College, Waterford College of Further Education etc.
Consider an apprenticeship. Earn as you learn;
For details on the traditional apprenticeship including brick laying, plastering, electrician, plumber and motor mechanic please log onto www.apprenticeship.ie.
Apprenticeships available in the insurance sector for details log onto http://www.iii.ie/about/news/the-insurance-practitioner-apprenticeship-launches-its-2017-programme
Apprenticeships also available in the accountants sector, Please note mainly located in Northern Ireland. For more details log onto http://www.accountingtechniciansireland.ie/Get_Started/Higher_level_Apprenticeship_Programme/
There may also be some options for apprenticeships in the IT World; Log onto www.fit.ie for more details.
I didn’t get offered medicine what can I do?
Consider studying abroad. University’s Collegium Medicum (CM) in Bydgoszcz, Poland runs a 6 year MD program through English. Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy are also on the listed in this University. Representatives from this University are visiting Dublin for an Open Day on Thursday, 31 August. This is an opportunity to evaluate options. The event takes place at European Commission Representation in Dublin, 5:30pm. There will be a chance to meet student advisor, talk to students starting their medical journey in Poland this September, academics from Polish universities, Polish Ambassador and Irish Department of Foreign Affairs representative. More information and application form to receive further details available here http://careersnews.ie/study-medicine-poland/
Should I repeat?
Repeating should only be considered if student is committed and focused on improving grades. Alternative routes include PLC.
I got points for course but missed out on minimum entry requirements i.e. H4 in chemistry for dietician H5 for primary teaching, etc.?
Consider just repeating subject in question or completing a PLC in science. Resit LC exam in subject only. Apply to CAO next year using this year’s points. Please note you will not add points to LC but this option allows you to achieve necessary grade in specific subject.
I want to defer my course; what should I do?
Contact college immediately stating why you wish to defer. You must present a genuine reason for deferral. If you defer you must apply to CAO next year listing the deferred course only. If you list more courses you are back in open competition with next year applicants.
I didn’t get my first choice, will I get an offer in second and subsequent round offers?
There is no guarantee that you will get an offer in the second or subsequent rounds. If you accept the course you are offered you will still be in contention for any course higher up on your CAO if the points come down in these courses in second and third rounds. So long as the course offered is something you are interested in and a genuine preference accepting it allows you the best of both worlds.
I got the points needed but didn’t get offered a place; Why?
Did you meet the college minimum entry requirements if not you are excluded from offers from this college.
Did you meet the specific course entry requirements if not you are excluded from offers for this course.
If you have an exemption for a language did you register this with the College? If not you are excluded. You can reapply next year having ensured to register exemption with the college.
Be brave there are lots of options open to you. What is for you will not pass you. Do not panic and pick a course of education OR route that is unsuited to you. Contact us for support and advice.